What Does Save Mean In Ourtime Dating Site

OurTime is a 50+ online dating site.

How can we use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator index to find our “perfect match?” Here are our 10 tips for how to use your personality type while dating to find the right match. What do you do in your free time dating - Rich woman looking for older man & younger man. I'm laid back and get along with everyone. Looking for an old soul like myself.

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I signed up to OurTime, an online dating site for older singles. So now you don’t need to pay OurTime to find out what goes on behind the scenes, because I’m going to spill!

Yes, a real-life experience. A review from a person who has lived it – so this post will be lengthy while I try to cover everything you need to know before signing up for an account with OurTime. My apologies for the long read but I wanted to include a lot of helpful information in this review of OurTime dating website.

If you’re thinking about signing up with OurTime to become a paying member, I recommend you do it the way I did, because I was in no hurry and eventually OurTime enticed me with a good deal. Well, they had to entice with that good deal a few times over a few months before I jumped in.

A few years ago OurTime offered a free trial 14 day full membership, but that has gone the way of the dodo bird. No more try before you buy. I’ll try to fill in the gaps here.

Signing up

I don’t really recall the sign-up process. I think it consisted of email address, location, birthdate, user name, and password. It doesn’t cost anything to create an OurTime account, upload some photos, and write a little bit about yourself. Once you’ve created an account, you can look at profiles.

My OurTime account began in September, 2019 and I did nothing. I did not upload a photo and did not write anything about myself. If someone else looked at my profile, they saw my age, location, and user name.

When I created the account, I put in search parameters of the man I’m looking for. I chose an age range of 53 to 73. I also said non smoker. Smoking is a dealbreaker for me.

Shallow me, I prefer a clean-shaven man instead of facial hair, but unfortunately there is no such preference to choose on OurTime.

I did not choose any other preferences like height, weight, hair color, eye color, ethnicity, religious beliefs, location, or any other traits.

Those characteristics might be important to some people. What’s more important to me are the characteristics you can’t choose. Things like being a kind, compassionate human being are more important to me than height, hair color, race, etc.

Though, I admit, if there’d been a clean shaven option I’d have chosen that one too! Ha ha!

Emails begin

The next day I received my first email from OurTime with the subject line: “Hey Cheryl, you have 8 new matches.”

A similar email arrives daily from OurTime. There are photos of eight men including their age, locations, and how many more photos they have. If you like what you see, click and you’ll be taken to that fellow’s profile where you can read more about him.

I never bother clicking on men who have only one photo because they’re usually scammers who can only get hold of one stolen photo. Yes, OurTime has scammers. More on that further down!

The other emails OurTime sends are promotional/marketing pitches. OurTime would like me to become a paying member! Wow! Lucky me!

However, I noticed a pattern, so if you’re thinking about becoming a paying member, take your time. Wait them out.

OurTime started off by offering me a special deal, a discount off their regular membership fees. I can’t remember, but it was around 30% off the regular price. I didn’t bite. A week or two later OurTime upped the offer to 50% off. Hey not bad! But I still wasn’t sold.

And then the best offer of them all showed up a week later – 65% off! Yeah, now you’re talking! Well, if OurTime’s rates were reasonable to begin with, they’d have more people signing up.

This pattern repeated every month. If I hung in there long enough, I’d eventually see that 65% discount email roll around again.

That 65% discount was as good a deal as it ever got.

So there you go, if you’re not sure you want to pay top dollar to sign up and look around only to be disappointed. Wait a few weeks or a few months, and then sign up to a paid membership with OurTime when the discount is to your liking.

My Time for OurTime?

I kind of decided that I’d sign up to OurTime in late December, 2019 or maybe early January. It all depended on the next time a 65% off deal hit my email.

At the beginning of December one of the matches in OurTime’s daily email looked like a good prospect. A retired firefighter named Mike, 63, who lives about 15 miles away. His dogs actually caught my attention and I liked one of those photos.

Aren’t these puppies cute!

This is not the actual photo I liked, but I’ll get back to that in a minute. When I first saw Mike’s profile, there were about ten photos – a couple of shots of him, and with his dogs, and a couple of shots with his son and grandson. He likes to get out on his boat with his dogs, and there were several shots taken on the water.

Then Mike sent me a message!


How did that happen? Remember my profile is nothing. No photo, nothing about myself.

So now I’m kind of curious. What did Mike have to say other than thanking me for liking his photo? Only paying members can read and write messages. Well, I could hold off until a 65% discount email rolls around again.

Other OurTime reviews

I’d been reading reviews about OurTime. Most of the reviewers were unhappy with the site for whatever reasons – lack of quality people suitable for dating is usually what it comes down to. The usual too many scammers complaint. All dating sites have scammers. It’s unfortunate that there seems to be more scammers than legitimate relationship prospects on dating sites!

There were a lot of reviewers accusing the site administrators of being up to funny stuff. Apparently, staff are creating profiles to generate interest and get new paying members onboard.

According to some reviews, OurTime staff can jump in to any members profile and send out likes and flirts to other members to try to create interest. Yikes!

It seems underhanded to me. Why would staff and administrators create fake profiles and send messages pretending interest?

Scammers and fake profiles? That’s so sad when there are real seniors looking for real relationships.

I also heard a lot of complaints about unauthorized credit card charges. People who’ve purchased a membership and decide not to renew it, only to discover OurTime charged their card again. Even members who’ve cancelled and deleted their profiles have found their credit cards being charged.

It’s possible these members missed an important step before cancelling their profile. I’ll explain further down.

It’s bad enough dealing with scammers who are out to steal your heart and your money, but getting scammed by the operators of what appears to be a legitimate dating website is a whole other story.

I jump in!

A monthly email arrives with the enticing 65% discount and I take the plunge. I buy a 6 month membership on December 19, 2019.

My cost is $37.72. I also get dinged a $3.99 service fee. What the hell is that for?! Total cost is $41.71. Yes, that’s in US dollars. Overall, that’s not so bad, less than $10/month.

Luckily for me, I have a credit card I specifically use for US dollar purchases. And that credit card misses me!


Let’s go over my receipt after I paid for an OurTime membership.

There was no receipt – not emailed or snail mailed. Though, I don’t recall providing my actual address…

After paying, the transaction landed on another web page with these instructions:

Enjoy all the benefits that come with being a full member.
Print out or copy this receipt for your records. This is your only copy.

At the end of your subscription commitment, your subscription will automatically continue for the same period of time at $107.76.

OurTime is counting on people being forgetful, seeing as how they don’t send out an invoice. I can see how easy it is for OurTime to automatically renew and charge credit cards for YIKES amount of money.

Obviously, I copied and pasted my “receipt” after landing on that webpage.

I put it in my Outlook calendar with a reminder date a month ahead of the auto renewal so I’d give myself a heads up to delete my profile and cancel my membership.

And also give me time to copy and paste any supporting documents for this article!

Fixing up my profile

Woo hoo! I am now a paid member.

A paid member can upload up to 30 photos. I didn’t upload that many but I got a few photos up and wrote a bit about myself. And I really mean it when I say a “bit”.

OurTime has three sections where members can write about themselves. The headings are:

  1. In a Nutshell
  2. The One I Am Looking For
  3. I’d Just Like To Add

A member can write up to 200 characters per section. Characters includes spaces and punctuation.

Yes, that’s less writing than a Twitter tweet!

If I’d known about the 200 characters ahead of time I might not have signed up.

This doesn’t give a person much room to talk about themselves. If someone has a lot of interests, and wants to convey as much about themselves as they can to attract a potential match – what can you say in 200 characters?

Each profile has a section where the person filled out information about themselves like eye color, height, body type, highest level of school, if you’re single, divorced, or widowed, have kids, have pets, if you smoke, and your religious preference. You can’t expound on any of those points. They’re choices on a drop down menu.

I suppose it also eliminates or counts you in if someone is doing a search and has specific attributes they’re looking for.

There are personality questions you can fill out – do you enjoy cooking, do you like going to the movies, do you like reading. These are all pre-populated responses by OurTime that you choose from a drop-down menu. You can’t expand and say what you’re an expert at cooking.

You can also choose three Top Interests, a selection from about 10 choices OurTime offers. Here, you can actually write a little bit more about your interests, but I don’t think many people realize they can do this.

I take advantage of everything a paid member can do and upload lots of photos and get the profile looking as good as I can in 200 characters or less.

My waiting messages

You will need to have a paid membership on OurTime to have any kind of meaningful correspondence with another person. Free accounts can not write or read messages

Now that I’ve paid for my membership, I can see what Fireman Mike and some other guy who sent me a message have to say.

Let’s start with the other guy. Some dude with no photo who liked my unwritten profile and lack of photos.

Now here lies a big problem with OurTime. Anyone can like your profile or like your photos which automatically generates an email that you have a “message” when it’s obviously not a real message. You know, where someone took the time to write out a thoughtful message to a potential date.

This is how OurTime hopes that non-paying members will join and see who is sending them “messages”. This is also among the complaints of others who reviewed OurTime dating site. They claim that staff are using fake profiles to “like” real profiles in hopes that person will be curious enough to pay for a membership to read their messages. How disappointing is that?

Back to Mike. Basically he thanks me for liking his photo and asks what can I tell him about myself.

This tells me one of two things.

  1. Mike can write and read messages so he’s a paying member.
  2. Or Mike’s profile is hijacked by one of the sneaky OurTime staff pretending to be that person and communicating with members.

I sent Mike a message with a few sentences about myself. I also asked him why he removed some of the photos of his dogs. The photo that I liked (him and his dogs) and the photo I’m using here (dogs only) are not the same.

There’s a thumb’s up icon to click if you like a photo. The thumb turns blue if you like, and stays blue. If you go back to that profile again you can see by the blue thumb that you previously liked that photo, so there’s no point in liking that same photo multiple times.

Mike doesn’t respond.

Maybe he’s just not into me. He now sees photos of an aging wannabe cowgirl and decides that’s not a match.

Or maybe – I’m one of those poor suckers that got catfished by an OurTime staff member!

Why do I think OurTime “got” me?

OurTime has a search page to look at potential matches. On these pages are ads for Match.com, another online dating website owned by the same company. They’d like OurTime members to buy a membership on Match, too.

There are four or five men on the Match.com ad. Whose picture do I see? Mike! Dammit! You know I did all the reverse image searches ahead of time so I’m pretty confident that a scammer is not using the Mike photo.

A scammer would have continued a dialogue with me and not dropped out of sight. Got a live one! Let’s make some money!

Whether or not Mike is a real person with a profile on Match.com that was harvested by the staff to play around with on OurTime, or he’s just not into me, I’ll never know.

I can tell you that Mike, or whoever on staff is operating his profile, has not logged in since late December.

Age matters?

Even though OurTime is marketed as a dating site for “mature” singles, over age 50, anyone over age 18 can sign up.

Now you might think you can get around the young’uns by setting an age range in your search criteria, but that doesn’t help. OurTime still emails potential “matches” outside your age parameters. Any other paying member, whatever their age, can send you a message or like your photo or profile.

Any freebie member of any age, also can “like” your photos and profile and that will generate a message to you. Though it’s not really a “message”. It’s just a “like” or a “flirt”. Some dude could be pulling up every profile and liking all the photos, hoping to eventually get a response.

Yeah, been there. I must have had at least two dozen likes over two days from one man I wasn’t interested in. Even after I sent him a polite thanks, but no thanks message, he still continued to view me and bombard my Inbox with likes. Until I blocked him!

Keep in mind OurTime dating site is marketed to people older than 50 years old. I saw the profile of one genius who writes that he is looking for a woman aged 34 to 41. On a niche dating site for older singles?

Match me

For a matchmaking service, OurTime sucks.

Here’s a screen shot of what I’m looking for in a man. It’s pretty basic. I’m looking for a man in a specific age range. He must have photos and be a non smoker. Nothing else matters in this general search. I’m not limiting myself.

I can’t tell you how many times OurTime sends me potential matches who are smokers or younger than 53.

Here are the “matches” on one of my daily emails.

How did that 51 year old slide in there? Clearly my search parameters from OurTime’s drop down menu are 53 to 73. Why doesn’t this work?! Then there’s a bearded wonder named Brianlove. What a creepy user name! I’m pretty sure this guy’s a scammer using a stolen photo.

My 8 Matches

Check out this motley crew from one of my daily emails from OurTime who’ve come up with eight matches for me. Over half of them are outside my age parameters of 53 to 73. Check out the Scott Baio wannabe in the bottom right corner.

Good choice on the Chachi match. He’s only 3000 miles away in Ontario! Come on OurTime. You could “match” me with a man who lives in any state that touches the Pacific Ocean (including Hawaii and Alaska) and they’ll still be much closer than Ontario! Just about every day in the emails of eight, OurTime “matches” me with men in Eastern Canada. Why???

The next time I’m on OurTime, in my “viewed” column, I saw that Chachi had checked out my profile, but obviously didn’t send me a message. All I can guess at is my mug shot showed up on his daily email from OurTime. OK, I’m a Happy Days fan, so I’ll return the favor and view his profile. Chachi’s pictures are actually pretty decent and he has a Harley. I read the rest of his profile and Chachi gives off the creepy vibe.

Yikes! Sorry I peeked!

What’s the creepy vibe?

That’s any man who lists among his interests – sex, making love, etc.

OK guys, us woman have known it for a long time. Men want sex. We’re also mature enough to know that as a relationship progresses, sex will become part of it.

Throwing it out there on your profile that you’re a horn dog who’s really into sex, or wants good sex, is just creepy.

Long distance Chachi never stood a chance anyway!

Daily Matches

There is also a feature for paying members to view 30 potential matches each day selected by OurTime when you log onto the website.

I can view the man’s photo, location, and age decide whether to click through to their profile for more information. Or, without viewing their profile, I can click the button to either pass or like.

All the men with only one photo, automatically pass.

Why does OurTime even have us choose an age range if they send potential matches that are too old or too young? Ethan is 52 years old, but apparently OurTime thinks that falls between 53 and 73 because he’s the first guy in my batch of 30 daily matches.

There are more bearded wonders on OurTime than any other online dating site I’ve been on. If you are not clean-shaven, I click on that pass button.

This probably leaves me less than five “matches” that I can check out.

There will always be a few smokers in that group of 30, even though my search parameters I’ve checked off “non-smoker”. Depending on the profile, I might be able to see the smoking status from the thumbprint view. Sometimes I don’t know they’re a smoker until I click onto the profile.

Look at Thomas, the first man up on one of my daily matches. A smoker! And he looks much older than 57. Maybe he’s a 77 year old lying about his age?

That annoys me more than anything. My preferences specifically exclude smokers but that doesn’t make a difference.

Once I’m done with the 30 daily matches, I can keep going and OurTime shows me more profiles. Except – they are the same men every day!

In other words, it doesn’t matter how many times you “pass” on a profile, OurTime will keep showing that person to you. Maybe not every day, but often enough to recognize them,

Not for me

There’s one poor sucker who I just refer to as Skid Row Guy. He came up many times on my daily matches. When I click the “pass” button, that means I’m not interested and quit putting this man into my search results! Why does OurTime even have a “pass” button if it doesn’t work? You can click pass until cows jump over the moon and OurTime will keep sending you profiles of men you’re not interested in.

Poor old fellow. I’ve copied his photo below, but chopped off part of his face so not to show his face and risk possible embarrassment.

I am definitely not attracted to someone who has bad teeth!

This is clearly a scam profile. There’s a watermark on the photo that comes from a webpage in Australia.

You’d think these scammers would choose a photo of a more attractive person!

Anyone out there want to hook up with a man with no photo who uses the screen name bigpickle? Me neither!

This guy looks like Ernest from those movies with names like Ernest Goes to Camp, and Ernest Goes to Jail, and Ernest is a Dumbo, etc! He uploaded the same stolen photo three times. Bob the scammer is 50 years old, and should be too young to be showing up in my daily matches, based on the age parameters I set. Which clearly don’t work!

I was even once matched with a woman!

Apparently the Queen of England is another good match for me?! Either that or Joe is rather effeminate looking!

You too can get all these wonderful “matches” if you sign up to OurTime online dating service!

When you view an OurTime profile

If you look at a profile, the member will know you looked. There’s a link on OurTime called “Viewed Me” so you can see all the people who viewed your profile and decided not to proceed with liking you or sending a message.

What’s the point in showing me a bunch of guys who looked at me and for one reason or another decided we’re not a match, and so they moved on without liking me or messaging me.

Do I really need to see them?

What does save mean in ourtime dating site login

What am I going to do next? Look at his profile and not send him a message, too?


Nope. I’m not curious enough to look.

You can also tell how many times someone has looked at your profile. Under the “views” column, all the above have looked at me just once. I have some men who’ve looked at me over 20 times. Why keep looking? If you’re interested enough to keep looking at me, just send a message. Or, if you’re on a free account, sign up and pay for just one month to send me a message.

A lot of OurTime members who don’t have photos are checking me out.


Like all online dating sites, OurTime is inundated with scammers.

Just be cautious, and check some of my other posts on how to spot an online romance scammer.

OurTime has a chat feature where you’ll see a few men listed. You can click on anyone and say hi and see if they’re available to chat with you.

I’ve gotten a few chats. A dialogue box pops open and it’s up to you whether or not to have a chat. This works like texting. Sometimes someone sends me a message after I’ve left the OurTime website and the chat box opens the next time I log on, whether or not the person who sent me the message is still online.

The scammers troll here on the instant chat feature because it’s free to chat with others who are online at the same time. It saves scammers money so they don’t need to buy an upgraded membership. They’ll try to get you off the OurTime website really fast by giving you their email address to contact them.

One photoless guy starts up a chat with me. I ask him why he has no photo. He responds “maybe I’m shy”. Yeah, OK. Or maybe you’re married. Or a scammer.

Scammers have the same story they stick to on different dating sites, but they forget to make it age appropriate. Like pretending to have young children when they’re grandpa age. One scammer who hit me up on chat, pretending to be from New Hampshire, tells me he’s in the army and stationed in Afghanistan.

Pretending to be in the military is huge with scammers. They tell their victims they’ve quit or got fired and need money for a plane ticket home. I’m pretty sure the US Army doesn’t strand their citizens in foreign countries. They get them home.

Anyway, I respond in the chat dialogue box saying “Hey you’re too old to be stationed overseas. Why is the US Army violating its own military law?”

Scammer figured out I was on to him and never responded.


There were a few more things that happened during my stint on OurTime that made me realize this wasn’t the place for me to be.

One of the issues was a security alert when I logged on.

This security alert comes from my computer’s security software – AVG. This was annoying, but stopped after a few days. I don’t know if some sort of cyber crime was going on in OurTime’s background, but obviously AVG was unhappy with the situation. Eventually OurTime got this fixed and I didn’t see the alert again.

As a paying member, a big complaint I have with OurTime is that I can’t tell who else are paying members.

For example, on my review of Western Match dating website, paid members are identified as upgraded with a golden horseshoe on their profile.

Why is it important to know who the paid up members are with full privileges? Because these people can read and respond to messages. Free members can’t do that. It’s a waste of time sending messages to people who can’t read them and respond.

I sent an email to OurTime’s customer service asking how I can tell who’s a paid up member, and it took two weeks before I got a response.

Actually I should be so lucky I got a response at all. Many people who’ve reviewed OurTime online complain about slow and no responses from the administration.

The short answer is – there’s no way to know who’s a paid member on OurTime.

So now comes the big problem on OurTime. You see a profile of an interesting person. You like their photo and spend time writing a thoughtful message to this person.

No response.

You have no way of knowing if the person hasn’t paid for a membership and can’t read your message, or if they’re just not into you.

If the second is the case, a short “thanks for the interest but I can tell we’re not a match” would be polite.

In my OurTime mailbox, they also tell me if I’m a great replier or if I have a low response rate and would I like help fixing that. Well, if I actually got a “real” message, I’d respond.

Yeah, even the men with beards get a “thanks, but you’re not for me” response!

There’s not much point in responding to “likes” and “flirts” because anyone can send them. If you really like me, write out a quick message so that way I know you can read and respond to real messages.

OurTime does it this way to get people to pay for an upgraded account. What a waste of time to pay just to find out someone “liked” you and they’re probably a scammer. What’s more they were probably a scammer who got reported and OurTime removed their profile. If that’s happened, this is what you see in your mailbox.

The fact that James is no longer available to receive messages from me probably doesn’t mean I blocked him. His profile was deleted by OurTime before I got to it. Scammers probably “like” every profile they come across. I got a ton of “likes” from people who never even opened my profile.

Yes, you can like someone just from their thumbnail in the search results. Quicker for scammers that way! Ha ha!

Block ’em!

You can block other OurTime users if they’re annoying you. Whether it’s a real message they wrote or if they fill your mailbox with dozens of likes.

Yeah, that happened, and yeah I blocked him.

Sometimes a polite “thanks, but I’m not interested” reply ends up with more messages from the other person. Whether or not they’re a scammer or just some dude who doesn’t take rejection well – not interested means don’t keep messaging me!

Oh yeah, some of these guys demand to know why I think he’s not a match for me, so I immediately block them. Really, what do they want me to say? You’re ugly! You’re momma’s ugly too!

Move on if someone nicely told you thanks, but we’re not a match. Don’t dissect it. Probably it’s a scammer who wants to know “why not” so they can improve their profile for the next victim.

I’m pretty sure I blocked this 49 year old who kept contacting me. He looks way older than 49, so probably another scammer lurking on OurTime.

More cashola!

On top of the subscription fee you pay OurTime, they would love to make even more money off their members.

You can pay to “boost” your profile to the top of the search results.

I probably got OurTime all excited when I clicked on Boost Now to see the prices.

Do people actually buy that stuff?

You can also pay to have freebie members have the ability to respond to your messages.

Come on, OurTime – just cut to the cost!

It looks like I’ll have to test this sucker out. I choose an unassuming profile. Then I decide to get creative with my purple editing pen in case this guy isn’t a scammer, I’ll give him a break. This screen shot gives you a look at the pre-populated message that OurTime selects if you “like” someone’s profile.

But I’m here to test that little button on the right that says “let him reply for free”. Unfortunately, I can’t activate until I send this sucker a message. Oh what the hell! I click the Send Message button, and then I click the “let him reply for free button” to see what happens.

Hmm, what happens is OurTime wants more cashola from me. Shocker!

What Does Save Mean In Ourtime Dating Site Website

OurTime had kindly prepopulated the payment form with my credit card number and I had to hit the “Continue” button at the bottom of the form if I wanted to buy this extra service.

What Does Save Mean In Ourtime Dating Site

Not going to happen! But I bet I got OurTime all excited there for a moment thinking I was going to buy this service. I rarely use that Mastercard except for foreign purchases, and I put it on hold right now, so no one can charge anything to this Mastercard until I release the hold.

The other thing that happened is I probably got that poor sucker Jsam3070 all excited that he received a message. If he doesn’t have a paid membership, I wonder if he’ll buy one thanks to me and my trigger happy finger using a random profile as an experiment to find out the price of “reply for free”.

Which really isn’t free at all, is it?!

A few good men?

In January I exchanged a couple of messages with a fellow from a nearby town. I think he was retired, but fairly active. He brought up he’d like to meet and asked about a coffee the upcoming weekend. I suggested a town midway between us, maybe a fifteen minute drive for both of us.

Never heard from him again.

I had a couple of nice chats with two other men. One lived on Vancouver Island, and we started chatting when the pandemic and state of emergency was announced in B.C.

I also exchanged a few messages with another man, about 45 minutes away.

Both of those just kind of petered out. Seemed to be nice guys, but not a whole lot in common.

Another man I exchanged a few messages in February lives in Vancouver, maybe an hour’s drive, I just couldn’t figure out whether or not he was a scammer. He had quite a few photos up, and I didn’t get hits on any of them when doing image searches. That might mean nothing more than he’s found photos to use that aren’t well known on scammer profiles.

He also seemed to be up on the local weather, though a check of The Weather Network could help out a scammer. Or he could be a scammer who really lives in Vancouver! His cousin was out of town and he was taking care of the house, which included shoveling snow one day. He brought up money a couple of times, not asking me for any, but perhaps in a roundabout way trying to find out my net worth. He asked me what I was saving my money for. Hmmm? Nowhere did I ever say anything about saving money. I responded kind of flip that I don’t have much income and therefore no money to save.

A few days later he asked again what I’m saving my money for. What’s he want me to say? I’m saving for a house, and then the next question will be how much have I saved. Once he knows that, then he’s going to have some kind of financial emergency and need to “borrow” money. I ended the correspondence.

Closing down OurTime account

At the four month mark, I started preparing to cancel my OurTime membership and deleted photos. I changed my 200 characters or less to read I was going away soon and if anyone wants to message me, do so before I’m gone for good.

Before I closed the account on June 7, 2020, I deleted the couple of photos still left. Next I deleted my 200 characters description. Sort of. I left a short note that I’m outta here and dated it. Then I changed up my physical attributes. I left a threadbare bones profile before I cancelled my account. If OurTime staff want to play footloose and fancy free with my old profile, they’re going to have to put some work into it adding someone else’s photos and description.

The first thing I did was figure out how to (hopefully) cancel my credit card from auto renewing, and found these instructions.

It was kind of in a tricky place to find to turn off the auto renewal. I have a feeling that many seniors skipped this step when they closed down their OurTime profile and that’s why they got an unexpected charge on their credit card. After I turned it off, OurTime bumped me onto a page confirming auto renewal is cancelled. Very important for everyone out there who is cancelling their OurTime account to do this step and make sure you see this message!

Then I wanted to turn off any emails that OurTime might like to contine to send me.

Good, got them all turned off. No more matches. No more promotions. No more likes and flirts.

OurTime tried valiantly one more time to get me to stick around. I can get 6 more months for $53.88, which sure as heck beats paying over $100 for 6 months, but no sale.

OurTime verifies my account has been closed.

My time with OurTime has come to an end.

Final verdict?

Let’s state the obvious. The first half of 2020 was not a good time to have a paid membership on an online dating site and expect to meet people due to the restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Covid-19 is a good excuse to chat online and go on virtual dates, and get to know someone better until meeting in person.

When I began preparing this review of OurTime online dating website, I wanted to get material while I was still a paid up member. As I noted above, I went to my credit card’s webpage and put the card on inactive, just in case OurTime decided to renew my subscription at over $100 US dollars.Thanks to those who came before me and left online review of authorized credit card charges!

My recommendation is don’t waste your money on OurTime because they suck at matchmaking. Geez, if they can’t “match” me with men according to my search parameters, how are they going to handle the really tough stuff?

Have you been on OurTime’s dating website? Were you using a free account or did you buy an upgraded membership for a month or six? How did it go for you?

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OurTime.com offers an easygoing atmosphere for senior singles looking for a match.

Value For Price
Quality Of Members
Ease Of Use
Customer Satisfaction
Pros & Cons
  • Extensive number of site features and options for interacting
  • Custom matching algorithm delivers a select number of handpicked matches each day
  • Customer service is prompt, polite and very helpful
  • Many advanced features of the site require add-on purchases
  • A profile photo must be uploaded, otherwise your profile remains invisible

The Review

The Review

Is there anything worse than signing up for an online dating site and finding out that all the other members are in a totally different age group from you?

Luckily, sites like OurTime circumvent that problem for older singles who are looking to get into the online dating game with other people like them — people with a similar amount of life experience and with similar cultural references.

OurTime is one such site. It caters to singles 50 years and older who are looking for anyone from pen pals and travel partners to serious relationships and marriages.

As you explore the features of the site, it’s clear to see OurTime is essentially the Match.com of online dating for a more senior age group. The site mimics Match in many ways, from their handpicked daily matches, to their well-designed profiles that provide just the right amount of information to get conversations going.
The senior dating site allows you to email, chat, discreetly connect via text message or phone, send digital gifts, add others to favorites, and send flirts to show interest -- which is a rather extensive list of options for communicating all together under one roof. Additionally, the online dating platform seamlessly and clearly keeps track of all your activity on the site as well as the interest others have shown in you, meaning you're never guessing if you already saw that profile and don’t waste time launching communications with those you’ve already shown interest in.
After going through your 10 or so daily matches of the day, you’ll find additional profiles using the search function or playing the I’m Interested game. The search allows you to filter by profile sections such as ethnicity and children, showing you profiles one by one and allowing you to like or pass on each. Since the entire database of members on the site is searchable, you’ll never run out of options to find new singles to connect with.
Overall, the senior dating site has everything you’d want in an online dating site and then some. The site allows you to connect in so many ways, it’s suitable for nearly every personality type and the interface is sleekly designed, meaning it’s not overwhelming but it still able to hold an impressive amount of information. Profiles are extensive, allowing you to add interest and answer questions such as “How romantic are you?” and even better, when viewing others profiles, you can see all of your past encounters with that member. If you’re looking for an online dating site that attracts more mature audiences but still feels young at heart, OurTime is easily one of the best dating sites available to meet your needs.

Key Features

  • Curated matches make it easy to find compatible partners
  • Large number of actively monthly users
  • OurTime sponsors live events for seamless transition from app to in-person
  • Customer service is fast, responsive and polite

What Does Save Mean In Ourtime Dating Site App

Signing Up

OurTime's signup process is neat and well-designed six-step registration that you can complete in as little as a minute or two.

First, you select your sexual orientation (e.g. “Man Seeking a Woman,” “Man Seeking a Man,” etc.). Next you enter your zip code or postal code, your first name, set a password, enter your date of birth and your email address.

Next, you put down your race, what sort of relationship you’re looking for (e.g. “Marriage,” “Pen Pals,” “Casual Relationships”), and you’re prompted to answer a series of three short, open-ended questions about yourself (e.g. “What is it about kids these days that gets on your nerves?” or “What’s one thing that’s surprising about you?” and to upload three different photos of yourself.

What it costs: OurTime is completely free to use, though there are paid memberships beginning at $29.96 per month for a one-month subscription and dropping to $15 per month with a six-month commitment.

How Does OurTime Work – Searching for Matches

The main sections of OurTime consist of an Inbox, Connections, Who I like, and Search, each of which contain various subsections to discover and communicate with others.
The home page is easy to navigate and understand from the moment you first log in, with clearly labeled areas to explore. The homepage itself is basically a massive feed of potential matches you can quickly scroll through. These potential matches are showcased with a large profile picture along with a username and location. Directly from the homepage you can view profiles, send flirts, or send messages. The default list of users displayed on your homepage are presented in order of best match to your basic “wants” -- sexual orientation, age range, and location -- but you can choose to change your preferences, or get more detailed, such as filtering by ethnicity, children, Zodiac sign, and more. The Inbox section contains your email inbox, holds any gifts you have received, and allows you to access ConnectMe, a secure text message feature that allows you to communicate with others via SMS through a secure, protected number. The connection section shows who has shown interest in you. It contains subsections of those who have viewed you, those who have favorited you, those who have flirted with you (by sending a flirt), those who have liked your photo(s), and today’s matches.
Each day you receive around handpicked matches based on your profile, preferences, and behavior on the site. From each match shown you have many options to show interest and connect. Every profile displayed contains the user’s main profile picture, age, location, and tagline on the top section, and the user’s full profile, along with any history you have interacting with that user beneath the fold. From this information you select yes or no to move on to the next match. In addition, you have the option to send an email, send a flirt, save that profile to your favorites, ask to connect through the ConnectMe service, send a virtual gift, or select NotifyMe, which is a paid service that will notify you every time that user logs on for the next 7 days.
The Who I Like section is appropriately named, and displays subsection lists of members you have shown interest in. The section contains four lists consisting of the profiles of all of your flirts you’ve sent, profiles you’ve favorited, profiles with photos you’ve liked, and profiles you’ve viewed. From each profile on a list you can continue to show more interest by favoriting the profile or sending a flirt (if you haven’t already) or sending a message. The dating site also makes it easy to keep this section clean and orderly, as it allows you to select profiles to delete from your lists at any time.
Lastly the Search section contains both a standard site search and a “hot or not”-style swiping game that takes you through profiles one by one. In the standard search, the basic search filters are age range, location, and photos, although you can add advanced search features to find others based on height, what type of relationship they are looking for, status (online or not), ethnicity, smoking habits, body build, children, religion, and zodiac sign. Search results are displayed by showing a member’s main profile picture, age, location and online or offline status. Other relevant information, such as if they have additional profiles or if it is her birthday today, is also displayed in search results. Click to open up any profile preview from the results page to the member’s full profile, which then gives you the same options as showing interest as you see in the daily match section (send an email, send a flirt, save that profile to your favorites, ask to connect through the ConnectMe service, send a virtual gift, or select NotifyMe).

Safety & Security

OurTime takes “Appropriate security measures (including physical, electronic and procedural measures) to help safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access and disclosure.” For more information regarding safety and security view the OurTime Privacy Policy.


Total Price Per Option

  • Free Basic Account $0.00
  • 1 Month $29.96
  • 6 Months $15/month

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What Does Save Mean In Ourtime Dating Site Free

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