How To Write What I''m Looking For In A Man On Dating Site

If you’re like me, you’ll have signed up to a few different dating apps like Tinder to increase your chances of success. Also, you’ve probably procrastinated when it comes to filling out your profile.

The 3 most important components to an attractive dating profile are your photos, headline, and text. Here are 4 online dating profiles examples to attract men, and some tips to ensure you don’t send the wrong signal: 1. Look at Other People’s Profiles for Ideas. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and that appears to be true.

  1. Inspiring and educating bright minds from around the world. November 1, 2021 November 22, 2021 Relationship by Adam Green. 60 Creative Tinder Bios You May Want To Steal For Yourself. Last Updated on November 22, 2021. Since popular dating app, Tinder, was released in 2012, it has changed the way people date. Sure, you can still.
  2. When you create your profile, present yourself at your bestest best. The single biggest success factor is your profile picture headshot. Many people scrolling through the site do not look further than this, so it really matters. Feminine and pretty if you are a woman. Smart and handsome if you are a man.

I know what it’s like – from Tinder to OkCupid, there’s a lot of work to do if you’re to optimize your dating profile so that it stands out. It takes time and effort.

Then again, the reward is worth it. If you can optimize your profile for each app, you might end up with the woman of your dreams!

Moreover, the good news is I’ve researched this topic extensively to find out what makes a great online dating profile. I’ve tested things out on Tinder, OkCupid, Match, Bumble, and Hinge, and scoured hundreds of profiles in pursuit of the “perfect” dating profile.

In this article, I’m going to share with you 20 dating profile examples of men, and I’ll be discussing what works and what doesn’t work on the various dating apps.

Inside Scoop

Tinder Profile Examples

Alexander, 27

“I’m looking for somebody to be a contestant on Bargain Hunt with. You have to be good though, because I’m not losing.”

Tom, 31

“A geek at heart, I like everything from board games, comics, books and movies to technology, science and various different franchises.”

James, 31

“Career-driven guy looking for similar. If you like Netflix & food we’ll get on well. Not the tallest 5’7””

Richard, 27

“My mom thinks I'm pretty cool, Im sure you'll too.

I can juggle and backflip literally what else do you want”

Takeaway fromTinder:

What works: Short, engaging, slick bios that give a brief rundown of what you’re all about

What doesn’t work: Bios that are too long or too short, and which are either too deep or too cliched

Tinder is easily one of the most popular dating apps out there. But while it got a reputation a few years back for being just a sleazy, hook-up app, the opposite is definitely true in 2019.

These days, Tinder is a great place to meet someone chilled who’s up for a laugh – or your soulmate. Either way, there are a lot of friendly women on here who would be up for chatting to you if you nail your profile.

I like Alexander’s because he’s making a joke and showcasing his sense of humour. Yet by doing this, he’s also showing us what he’s also about. He likes his television, he likes a game and he’s up for some laughs. It’s the kind of light-hearted but informative profile that gets lots of results on Tinder.

James, meanwhile, is telling us what he’s looking for, he’s telling us his values (he’s career-driven), and he’s also showing us.

What you need to take from this is that, in just 2-3 sentences, you have to drop your values, your interests, what you’re looking for into your bio and you have to do all this while being light, positive and playful. If you can do that, you’re onto a winner.

Inside Scoop:Tinder Profile Tips to Get More Matches.

OkCupid Profile Examples

Jake, 24

“Cozying up under the blanket all day to jump out of a plane all alone, my weekends can swing either way.

I’m down for almost anything, anywhere. Deep discussions over a coffee & bright minds excites me.

Got delicious feasts & travel plans in your sleeves? I’m your prisoner.”

Kyle, 29

“I absolutely love seeing how far rabbit trails take me. I am very curious about a lot of things and will dive in head first into the subject.

I usually end up surrounding myself in whatever it is until I am satisfied that I have learned everything I want to about it or see what other tangent it leads me to.

I like to bike most days down in Fish Creek and still enjoy the odd night to go see a movie or enjoy a drink and some delicious food.”

Evan, 31

“Barefoot, crafty, gardener …

Polyamorous. I am interested in many kinds of relationships.

If the connection is good, I can warm up to physical intimacy fairly quickly but I like to connect intellectually and emotionally first. I’m also super duper respectful and sensitive to your boundaries. (Duh!)

Just thought I would add that as far as physical attraction, I seem to be more interested in female bodies and feminine to androgynous folks and not so much into the very masculine.”

Jay, 26

“I’ll admit, I’m a little old-fashioned. I open doors and like to go for drinks AND dinner on the first date. But it’s all part of what makes me a gentleman.

I’m looking for someone who is always up for life’s adventures but doesn’t mind staying in and watching a movie when the weather calls for it. I try to eat healthy but I have a major weakness for pizza. Let me know if you want to go get a slice!”

Takeaway from OkCupid:

How To Write What I

What works: Honest, transparent and real profiles that go deeper and really dig into what you’re all about

What doesn’t work: Lack of effort

I love OK Cupid because it encourages people to really open up about themselves. It doesn’t matter if you’re just looking for a friend or a long-term lover, you need to be honest and real on here. People don’t judge you on OK Cupid.

This is OK Cupid in a nutshell: It’s a place where people go to make genuine connections with people who are on their level. To make these connections, you have to open yourself up on your profile. Otherwise the people you want/need to talk to, won’t find you.

There isn’t really a limit to what you say on OKC, nor is there a word limit. Just say what comes out – what matters to you, what you truly desire. Don’t be afraid.

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site Without

Hinge Profile Examples


“My most controversial opinion is …

Han shot first.”

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site Without


How To Write What I

“I’ll know it’s time to delete Hinge when …

I can’t go a day without seeing you.”


“Ideal first date …

Doing some type of activity outdoors.”


“The hallmark of a good relationship is …

Being honest.”

Takeaway from Hinge

What works: Honest answers. A bit of humour never goes amiss, too

What doesn’t work: Cockiness or answers that are clearly untrue

How To Write What I

I’d say Hinge is the trickiest of all dating apps to get right because you’re given a series of prompts and a very short amount of space to write your answers.

And the thing is, the prompts you receive are the exact same prompts as others receive. So how do you make your answers unique?

Well, you’ve just gotta be 100% you. If, perhaps, a slicker version of you. Cihan, for example, is being himself but his answer – a reference to Star Wars – is kinda witty. It also acts as a dog whistle to fellow sci-fi fans.

Raffi, on the other hand, is being unequivocally honest. It’s this kind of honesty that draws respect on Hinge – the “dating app designed to be deleted” – and it will also help you catch the eye of someone who shares your values and interests.

The trick is to not try too hard. Offer a witty answer here and there, but just be you. Profile Examples

Smarshall, 38

How to write what i

“I wear my heart on my sleeve, so what you see is what you get. I laugh and smile a lot, and love someone who can make me do just that.

I love to travel and there are still so many places in the world yet to explore. My family and friends are really important to me and I spent lots of time with them.”

Nick, 35

“I’m friendly, perhaps a little quiet, but happy, looking for someone to spend time with, both out in town and in at home.

Contrary to the photos, I don’t drink all the time — those photos were just easiest to find!”

Wjp83, 35

“I love travelling, walking in the countryside, reading, games, films/TV, music, Looney Tunes, watching footy. Usual really. Happy to chat to get to know you better.:)”

Chris, 31

“Just looking for someone genuine, honest and loyal. Also tall dark and handsome … just to be cliche! I’m over these dates that go nowhere. I want someone to prove to me the world is not a cynical place and there is someone out there for everyone.”

Takeaway From

What works: Short but informative bios that are cheery but upfront

What doesn’t work: Jokey profiles and one-liners

Match is possibly my favourite dating site because it straddles the line between Tinder and OK Cupid. As such, when it comes to writing your profile, it helps to have some of the honesty you’d use on OK Cupid, but it’s important that you pair it up with the brevity of Tinder.


As you can see from the profiles I’ve picked out, the best ones are those that get to the point in terms of what the man is looking for. At the same time, the bios are positive and light.

What we can also take away from this is that no one’s wasting anyone’s time with catchy one-liners of the type you sometimes see on apps like Tinder and Bumble. This is mostly because Match is a subscription service. If someone is paying to message you, they’re taking this dating thing pretty seriously.

For this reason, it’s key that you list some of your interests on your profile, and it helps if you can state – as lightly as possible – what you’re looking for.

Bumble Profile Examples

Nathan, 27

“ATL>NC>NYC. Only child but my mom still confuses my name with the dogs.”

Dan, 24

“I’ve been slapped by a wild bear and am often told I remind people of Ryan Reynolds, so I have that going for me.”

Peter, 25

“Looking for a new spirit animal. I was wrong about cats …”

Philip, 24

“Outdoorsy, adventurous, but also ready to sit on the couch and watch Netflix while eating junk food. I’ve been called a science nerd but look forward to a fresh opinion.”

Takeaway From Bumble

What works: Edgy profiles peppered with slick, witty one-liners

What doesn’t work: Too much detail and openness

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site For Men

The best Bumble profiles are pretty damn slick and look as though they’ve been crafted by the writers of The West Wing. At the same time, they’re often also informative.

Take a look at Dan’s profile. He seems adventurous & displays confidence; and yet he takes the edge off what could be construed as cockiness by writing “so I have that going for me.” He keeps it light and entertaining.

Peter does that, too, by making a great joke.

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Sites

Then there’s Philip, who has enough self-deprecation and humility (which girls love) to say he’s been called a science nerd – but is looking forward to a fresh opinion.

If you can mix a bit of bite-sized info about yourself with a joke, you’re onto a winner on Bumble.

Inside Scoop:Best Bumble Bios

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site Men

Overall Learning:

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site Video

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article and that you’re now in a position to craft better, more exciting dating profiles. This is going to take some time but you can use the ones in this article as inspiration. Just make sure to keep yours unique and don’t be afraid to keep tweaking until you get this right.