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PnP, an acronym for Party n Play, is a code name for gay people who want to have sex while under the influence of drugs. Some people enjoy sex only when they are high, so party and play sites are for these sets of people.

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Granted, you can find love in many odd places, but PnP hookup sites are mostly for people who just want to have sex and get high while at it. It might be hard to find love in a place where everyone wants something with no strings attached.

Finding a PnP hookup partner is a little hard in a society where there are more judgemental stares than there are bars. PnP personalities use dating sites because it affords them the chance to find what they want with ease and without scrutiny.


PnP sites are mostly for hookups, so the legit or non-legit nature of the site is dependent on what the user is searching for. However, a rule of thumb is to stay careful either way.

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There are many party n play dating websites available, but most of them are shrouded under other names to avoid exposure. Start from apps that are not looking to hide, and there, you’ll meet serious people with fewer issues.