Best Thing To Write In Dating Site

On a dating site, a generic message is the kiss of death. You say “Hey, how are you?” and what I hear is “Please feel free to delete this message. I don’t care enough to try.” Impersonal greetings are just lazy, and I don’t have time to respond to hundreds of identical “sups” from people who may or may not be interested in me personally.

  1. Best Thing To Write In Dating Sites
  2. Best Thing To Write In Dating Site For Women
  3. Best Thing To Write In Dating Site Quotes
  4. What Is A Good First Message On A Dating Site
  5. Best Thing To Write In Dating Site Email
  6. What To Write On Dating Sites

Ask another person to write your profile for you, if necessary. If you think you can’t handle writing your dating profile and if you know someone who can do a good job at it, ask them to write it for you. Sometimes, other people are better at writing about you more. Dec 20, 2017 Asking questions is one of the most important dating message tips we can give. One of the best ways to start a conversation is by asking a question. Again, it gives them something to respond to. Even better if this can also relate to something they wrote in their profile. Examples:-What’s your favorite dish to cook? Jan 03, 2021 Online Dating First Message #2: Last Thing. It’s deceivingly simple to ask the last thing your match did as your online dating first message, but it’s a super effective strategy. This is the kind of question a friend would ask, so you are starting things off intimately without coming off as creepy. Simple – our team of dating experts does it all for you, from our dating profile writing service to modern matchmaking! We’ll identify the most highly qualified matches in your area, break the ice with proven conversation starters, handle all your back-and-forth message writing, and even set up your dates for you with the matches you like best! Oct 23, 2017 The best way to send the first message in online dating is just to say “Hello!”, make a compliment and ask something about her profile. But the win-win option in online dating messages that surely get responses is to write something like “Hello!

Maybe saying hi at a party works just fine, but online daters aren’t so easily wooed. According to OkCupid, “Saying ‘Hey’ in a first message is almost equivalent to saying nothing — this greeting has an 84% chance of being completely ignored.”

That first exchange sets the tone for the rest of the relationship, so you should go beyond one-word openers and say something to give your date a laugh. A solid joke can help you get your conversation off on the right foot — or at least up your odds of getting a response. You don’t have to be a comedian; just be original. We’ve collected 14 examples of funny online dating messages that tickle the funny bone and make a good impression.

1. Make a Joke That’s Specific to the Person

I once got a message reading, “So i looked at your thing, you seem pretty good.” Which didn’t exactly sweep me off my feet. I mean, I am pretty good, but you could send that message to pretty much anyone. And I’m betting he did. Getting personal and showing you’ve actually read someone’s profile is a much more compelling way to elicit a response.

Note: Making a personalized joke is funny. Poking fun at someone’s name is insulting.

Tickld has an example that only works on someone named Kassandra: “If you remove the D from your name, it’s an anagram for the word Arkansas,” a playful online dater wrote. Kassandra answered that she’d never heard that one before. He replied, “So I guess the question at this point is, do you want the D?” Which just goes to show that sometimes dick jokes can be done well if you’re clever enough.

An original, person-specific joke makes you stand out among vague come-ons. I know what you’re thinking — yes, this takes a bit more time, thought, and effort. But it pays to show you’re not simply copy and pasting a message to everyone online. Girls like that.

2. Use a Clever Opener to Turn the Tables on a Date

OnlineDatingAdvice came up with some hilarious and unique messages to catch someone’s attention — including one claiming the person is too attractive for the dating site. “I deeply regret that it is my unfortunate duty to bring it to your attention that you are above and beyond our maximum standards for looks,” the example message reads.

“Your account will be CLOSED unless you reply to this message with your name, phone number, your favorite flower, how many Cheetos you can fit in your mouth at once (just curious), and if you prefer Chinese or Italian cuisine.” — A funny first message from OnlineDatingAdvice

The messenger playfully asked for a phone number, implied plans for a date, and showed creativity with a unique format for a side-splitting message.

“This is very serious business,” the online dater warned in the message. “I would advise you not to take my message lightly or you might anger my boss Poseidon, lord of the seas.”

3. Start the Convo With a GIF

A GIF is an easy and amusing way to start a conversation on a dating app. It doesn’t take a razor sharp wit, but it still shows off your creativity. According to Buzzfeed, sending a GIF on Tinder increases your likelihood of getting a response by 30%. That’s a strong incentive to start adding GIFs to your dating repertoire.

GIFs are funny and flirtatious. Whether it’s Jimmy Fallon saying “Haaaay” or Joey Tribbiani saying “How you doin’?” a good GIF can get the ball rolling and make your date laugh.

4. Flatter & Amuse Using Humorous Compliments

An ideal first message references something in the dating profile and pays a specific compliment in a lighthearted (not creepy) way.

Many online daters pay compliments to personal appearance, so you can set yourself apart by complimenting a pet or a hobby.

The Virtual Dating Assistants (ViDA) gives a great example of the right way to give praise: “Wow… those eyes. That fur. How long have you two been together? Is he jealous of newcomers?”

In a funny first message, the online dater shows interest in Michaela’s pictures, pays a compliment to her dog, asks a solid question, and makes a flirtatious suggestion. All these elements combined create a memorable and appealing introduction.

The tone in this conversation is playful, which is what you want in those initial messages. You’re establishing a rapport. A little banter can endear someone to you and lead to a fruitful relationship based on good laughs.

5. Bait a Date With a Good Pun

I know a lot of people groan at the mere mention of a pun, but hear me out. Puns make good icebreakers because they’re witty and just a little bit silly. Sure, making a pun is on the cheesy side, but so is pizza. And pizza is delicious.

A clever quip can win someone over online.

Zoosk suggests something simple like: “What did the fish say when he swam into a wall? DAM!”

I personally enjoyed this gem of an opener courtesy of CollegeHumor: “I just saw the best upsexy.” The other person can’t help but reply, “What’s upsexy?” And you win the conversation. You’re welcome.

Is that joke immature? Yes. But it’s also hilarious.

If you ask me, a little wordplay is just good foreplay. Check out CollegeHumor’s Tinder puns for more clever quips to send first messages where the pun is definitely intended.

6. Harry Potter Pick-Up Lines Work Like a Charm

Best Thing To Write In Dating Site

In my dating profile, I make it clear that I’m a huge fan of the Harry Potter series, so I’ve heard a lot of HP-related pick-up lines. And some of them are pretty fantastic. Here are a few good examples:

  • “Were you hit by Avada Kedavra? Because you’re drop-dead gorgeous!”
  • “Your smile is like Expelliarmus. Simple but disarming.”
  • “Accio response!”
  • “I know we’re not in Professor Flitwick’s class, but you still are charming.”

You don’t need a love potion to make a wannabe witch or wizard fall for you. All you need are some magic words from the wizarding world. You can find more funny one-liners for Potterheads here.

7. Study Up & Don’t Be Too Crude

Sometimes there’s a fine line between being original and being crass. You don’t want to take a joke too far. Remember, you’re talking to a complete stranger. Here’s an example of a funny online message that goes too far.

After matching on a dating app, Travis wrote the following first message: “Are you the SAT because I’d do you for three hours and 45 minutes with a 10-minute break halfway through for snacks, and then I would stare at you and think ‘Wow, I hope I don’t ruin this.'”

His desired fling answered, “You ruined it before you sharpened your pencil.” Ouch. As a general rule, sexual language and references in a first message are no-nos. You could end up alienating your date before you can send a second message.

8. Think Up Inventive Ways to Get Her Digits

Don’t overthink this. Your message doesn’t have to be the most wonderfully worded introduction ever. One anonymous conversation on Tickld shows that you don’t have to get too fancy to get a girl’s attention.

“So I’m writing a book right now,” the online dater wrote. When asked what the book was about, he answered, “Well it’s a phone book. And it’s missing your number.” Classic maneuver. The girl actually did respond with her phone number. Sure, she gave him her dad’s number as well, but at least it’s something.

9. Break the Ice By…Breaking the Law?

Dream3vil, an OkCupid user in Medford, New Jersey, took an original approach to his first message. He claimed he was pulled over by a cop for texting and driving because he was writing a message on the OkCupid app.

Dream3vil turned a misdemeanor into a come-on in his message.

“I showed him your picture and explained what OkCupid was,” the online dater wrote. “He let me off with a warning and said I better get your number.”

Clearly, this guy is a smooth talker. He seems fairly proud of his run-in with the cop, and it’s bold of him to tell such an incriminating story right off the bat. In a way, it’s romantic. And hey, some girls are into bad boys who live on the edge, risking life and limb for their lady loves.

Dream3vil certainly makes an impression in his first message, and he even throws in a directive from a police officer to make it harder to refuse.

I don’t know if he won the girl over or not, but he made me laugh with his arresting anecdote.

10. Ask “Would You Rather” Questions

Conversation starters aren’t complicated. It just takes a little trial and error to acquire some stand-by icebreakers. Match suggests asking a “Would you rather” question to get a date’s attention. The dating site offers examples like, “Would you rather always find a parking space or always find your missing keys?” or “Would you rather be invisible or be immortal?”

You can get as imaginative as you want with it. You could ask, “Would you rather have a puppy-sized elephant or an elephant-size puppy for a pet?” or “Would you rather live in space or under the sea?”

These conversation starters are unique, interesting, and slightly silly so they’re ideal for anyone chatting online.

11. Settle Your Pizza Differences Right Away

Your first message should be indicative of your personality. SEO executive Oliver Brett revealed his go-to opener is the person’s name followed by an ellipsis. Women with his same sense of humor usually answer back, “Oliver…” and then he asks an important question: “Pineapple on pizza, yay or nay?”

“Yup, I only talk to strangers on the internet about pizza. And it works.” — Oliver Brett, SEO expert

Oliver loves putting pineapple on his pizza and joking around. His approach to online dating is playful and helps him quickly find someone who gets him.

12. Play on Stereotypes About Your Job or Major

People say, “You are what you do,” because that’s what your first impression will inevitably be. Oh, you’re an artist? So you’re a spacey, poor idealist. Such stereotypes can stop someone from getting to know you on a dating site where superficial judgments are common — but you can also use them to your advantage.

Tommy, a 26-year-old police officer, shows his funny side by writing, “Ever shouted, ‘Fuck the police’? Well, here’s your chance.” As a single cop, he must get a lot of people referencing his job and pre-judging him because of it. With one line, he shows that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. He also makes his intentions known, appealing to online daters with a rebellious side and a raunchy sense of humor.

13. Make an Ironic Invitation to Applebee’s

Sarcasm isn’t easy to achieve online, but if you strike the right tone, you can give your crush a chuckle. In a dating message shared on Tumblr, Jeffrey wrote, “Hey, I have a gift certificate for Applebee’s right now.” Not a classy beginning but mildly intriguing. “You get two apps and two entrees for 19.95,” he continued. “What time can my mom pick you up?”

Jeffrey made a tongue-in-cheek invitation to Applebee’s to introduce himself to a date.

He’s definitely kidding. At least, we hope he’s kidding. The whole message gets more and more ridiculous as it goes on, but the awkwardness seems intentional. What I also love about this message is he keeps it clean. It’s a wholesome sentiment that leaves you with many questions. I imagine a lot of the responses Jeffrey gets are, “lol, are you serious?”

14. Come Highly Recommended — By a Pillow

Last of all, we have I Hedonist making a self-deprecating joke on OkCupid. “My pillow tells me I’m a good kisser…” he wrote. He’s keeping it light, showing some vulnerability, and flirting just a little bit.

It’s definitely original, but could be read as desperate, too. I’d add a winky face to soften the imagery and make it clear that it’s a joke.

A Funny First Message Gets Your Foot in the Door

When sending a first message on a dating site, you’re often better off saying “knock knock” rather than “hello.” A funny message stands out to online daters, and it increases your chances of getting a response. Sometimes you can melt the hearts of jaded online daters with a clever quip or a quirky compliment. For instance, my boyfriend told me I had a “smidge of cute on my face” in his first message, and I rolled my eyes, but I also swiped right.

Instead of being yet another generic profile, prove you’re someone worth getting to know by putting some puns, anecdotes, or jokes into your messages. If you can keep your date entertained and interested in that initial conversation, you’ll be in good shape moving forward.

Writing a funny and successful first message is an art, and we hope you can use our 14 examples of funny online dating messages for inspiration the next time you hit “send.” Good luck!

Hey ladies. So, you’ve signed up to a few dating apps. You’ve uploaded a few pics, but now comes the tricky bit: Writing out a dating profile that catches the eye.

If you’ve decided to spread your bets among a variety of dating apps, it means you’re going to have to write out a few different profiles. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution here. What works on Tinder, for example, doesn’t necessarily work on OKCupid.

I know – it’s frustrating.

*Puffs cheeks out with exhaustion*

There’s a lot of writing ahead of ya!

The good news, however, is that once you’ve sorted your profiles out on each app and optimised them so that they hit the spot with the right kind of guy, you’ll be well on your way to making the kind of genuine connections you’re craving. It’s just going to take a little work, that’s all. Promise.

In this article, I’m going to take a look at 20dating profile examples for women. I’ll be picking four each from 5 different dating apps, and I’ll be explaining why these profiles work.

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Tinder Profile Examples For Women

Ieva, 26

“Having a laugh and as much fun as physically possible is an absolute must for me!

Trying not to take myself too seriously, but do take what I do quite serious though 😉

Channy, 29

“Good food

Best Thing To Write In Dating Sites

Red wine

Sausage dogs

Looking up every film on IMDB and refusing to watch anything below a 7.5

Crisp connoisseur”

Candace, 32

“Indie discos!

Looking for a nice chap to go looking for dogs in the park with, and who’s enthusiastically in favour of feminism.”

Emma, 27

“Tall, pale and sarcastic. Southern pansy working my way North …

Attention span unsuitable for Netflix and chill. Looking for someone to join on my (mis) adventures.”

Tinder Takeaway:

What works: Short, slick, informative. Funny works too, as do emojis

What doesn’t work: A long profile that discusses at length things like the meaning of life

Tinder is the dating app to join right now because it’s so busy with people looking to meet people.

But because it’s so busy, you have to try really hard to ensure your profile appeals to the right people.

The four I’ve shown above have really cracked the Tinder code. None of them are taking themselves too seriously, they’re all short and sweet, and they all act as a ‘dog whistle’ to the right person.

I’d say Ieva’s is an example of one that could run the risk of being too long, but look how cute and playful she makes it by adding the emoji’s at the top. Moreover, she tells us she doesn’t take herself too seriously, and she’s done a great job of giving insights into what she’s all about while still making her profile appear really cheery.

Channy, on the other hand, has gone for bullet points, which is always a massive win on Tinder.

Likewise, Emma knows what she’s looking for but she’s kept her profile slick and appealing by being so lighthearted.

And this is really the thing with Tinder. If you can show people what you’re into and what you’re looking for without coming across as too serious, too confrontational or even too weird, you’re onto a winner. Mix humour with interests and you’re on your way.

Inside Scoop: Check More Tinder Profile Examples For Women.

Best Thing To Write In Dating Site For Women

Best thing to write in dating site email

OkCupid Profile Examples For Women

Kate, 32

“I’m sarcastic and I’m never far away from a cheeky one liner

I do little dances sometimes

I’m vegetarian, and I have been since I was 10. Not militant though. I’m like OG veggie, way before those tree huggers emerged so don’t expect any yoga or tie dye here.

I just love animalssss!

I like puns a lot.

I love theme parks and I could quite happily live in Disney World and never get bored.”

Deidre, 30

“I am a huge baseball fan.

Also enjoy hockey.

I also really love Broadway musicals – definitely a total theatre nerd lol

Looking for a serious relationship but also open to friends – just important to have a connection and hopefully some common interests.”

Emily, 31

“I’m like a tired feminist that has a really hard time trusting men at this point. Lulz, but seriously. I’m also really funny and smart and talented and caring and empathetic. I have really great hair and eyes. I love karaoke, I’m honest and straightforward. I’m not going to put up with bullshit. My family and friends are super important to me. I’m an artist and a caretaker and a really good baker. I love bad movies and true crime (like everybody else at this point). I’m a Capricorn. I work hard. I have a morbid sense of humour and can be very deadpan, I also really don’t like positivity.”

Autumn, 24

“I’m pretty chill. Christian. Stars Wars is priority. Tattoos are cool. Talk to me about anything. I’m open and honest about everything. Nothing but love.

Let’s be friends.

What I’m doing with my life

I provide one-on-one instruction for people who have learning differences of disabilities. My students range between 6 years old and 60. It’s a new challenge everyday and keeps me on my toes, but I like it!

I also volunteer at an animal shelter and at my church teaching English.”

OkCupid Takeaway:

What works: Long profiles that go in-depth about who you are, what you want; your hopes and dreams

What doesn’t work: Super short profiles

Phew – these are long OkCupid profiles, right? Bet you’re worried about having to write yours now!

The thing with OkCupid is that it gives you a lot of room to write as much as you want. I’m not sure if there’s a character limit but it often doesn’t seem like it, as you get some really lengthy bios on here.

But that’s part of the magic here. People open up on OK Cupid; they’re real and honest, and this is really important.

Take Emily’s profile. It’s long, it’s deep, and it tells us a LOT about her. She’s opening herself up here to the world and being honest and real about who she is, her scars, and what she wants going forward. She’s not always 100% positive, but OK Cupid allows a person to be fully human and to express themselves.

Then you’ve got Kate, who’s also honest and real, too. And yet by focusing on what she loves, rather than what she hates, Kate is selling herself really well here. I always tell people to avoid profiles that focus on what you’re not looking for as they’re too negative and confrontational. Kate still throws some realness in there – she’s totally not into the whole yoga thing – but she’s focusing on her likes.

Ultimately, OK Cupid is like a more grown-up version of Tinder where you’re free to go into detail about your interests. Remember those pen pal sites you joined as a teenager where you’d talk and talk in your profile? It’s a bit like one of those. Just look into your heart, have a real think about who you are and what you want – and write. No one will judge you on this app. Profile Examples For Women

Becky, 33

Best Thing To Write In Dating Site Quotes

“I bought my first house last year, 3 guesses as to what I found in the attic …

Avid reader, love the cinema and enjoy travelling to exotic places for adventures. Work probably a bit too much but love my job. Will volunteer for mostly everything and have a go at most things.”

Ildy, 31

“I’ve moved to England for my work I’m passionate about. Used to live in 3 different countries before and speak 3 languages.

Looking for my partner and best friend who I can be open and vulnerable with, have honesty and integrity, respect and empathy, load of affection and sense of humour between us.”

Merakinat, 25

“I love to travel and want to explore all corners of the world, so if you enjoy exploring new places then points to you!

At the same time, I’d say I’m humble and enjoy the simple things in life

Cosy pubs over clubs anytime, not your wild party type

My ultimate goal in life is to turn my passions into a career and be my own boss, I call it a plan, not a dream ;”

Anastacia, 27

“Hi, I am from Riga and have been living in Greater Manchester for the last 4 years. Love jazz, blues, classical music, theatre, a good book, walk in the park, coffee shops, city breaks. I enjoy cooking, especially baking (cakes!). Try to keep fit by doing pilates. As for my job – I’m a trainee teacher.” Takeaway:

What works: Long profiles that go in-depth about who you are, what you want; your hopes and dreams

What doesn’t work: Super short profiles


Match is a little less heavier than OK Cupid. It’s still important that you’re real and honest, but you don't need to go into as much depth as you’re invited to on OK Cupid. Instead, it’s much better to just stick to your interests, hobbies and passions in your bio and save all the deep talk for when you connect with someone via messaging.

All four profiles above do a good job of outlining the person's interests without giving us a novel. As you can see, they’re not as slick or as witty as Tinder, but they’re also not as in-depth as OK Cupid.

Just make sure to cover the things that are important to you but try to be fairly brief. Remember, to message anyone on Match, you have to subscribe. This means that people on here are taking dating seriously, so you don’t want to waste your time (or theirs) by not giving out enough information straight off the bat.

That said, you don’t want to give everything away. Hold some things back because mystery is super attractive.


Bumble Profile Examples For Women

Joanna, 24

“Actress, art historian, gypsy woman. New York City native who isn’t afraid of nature.”

Kathryn, 24

“Just tryna get some free chipotle out of this.”

“Danielle, 24

“I love feminism, body positivity, John Oliver, plus size fashion and horror films.”

Urshila, 23

“I’ll roast you but in a fun way.”

You’d think it would be hard not to succeed on Bumble because you don’t have to write too much. But if you come across as arrogant or conceited, you’re out.

Bumble Takeaway:

What Is A Good First Message On A Dating Site

What works: Humour, snappy one-liners, emojis

What doesn’t work: Arrogance

It’s much better to play it safe by adding a cute one-liner that raises a giggle.

That said, it’s also much better if you’re original – as opposed to using up some old cliche. And if you can’t think of a snappy one-liner, just do what Joanna and Danielle have done, and list a few of your interests.

Don’t go overboard with them, though. Stick to 2-3 interests, throw something funny and surprising in there, and use emojis. Just like Danielle has done. That’s pretty much the perfect Bumble cocktail right there. She transitions from feminism (pretty serious), then throws us a curveball in the form of horror films … before chucking in the knife emoji (totally non-serious).

Hinge Profile Examples For Women

Hinge Takeaway

What works: Unique answers

What doesn’t work: Untruths

Hinge bills itself as the “dating app designed to be deleted.” As such, it’s meant to be taken pretty seriously by people who are looking to meet genuine people and see where things go.

Best Thing To Write In Dating Site Email

For that reason alone you honestly can’t lose if you answer genuinely (Hinge gives you a series of prompts) and truthfully.

Of course, it always helps if you can spice things up a bit with some humour. But if humour isn’t your forte, just answer truthfully and try to make sure your answers match up with your pics. What I mean by this is, if you answer a lot of questions about sports, it’d be great if your pics were sporty, too.

It always helps to be a bit of a flirt or tease with some of your answers too, like Alijah. A bit of playfulness never goes amiss, but again it’s all about flaunting your personality.

Key Takeaway

What To Write On Dating Sites

Overall, it doesn’t matter which dating app you use, the trick is to preserve the tone of the platform and keep it real. Be slick on Tinder, be more open on OK Cupid, showcase your interests on Match, be funny but candid on Bumble, and be truthful on Hinge. Just be you, be interesting, be fun.